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Showing posts from July, 2018

The Top 4 Stressors for Couples Today

A recent report about what makes couples happy versus unhappy leads to some common sense advice about how to minimize stress and maximize your relationship happiness. The report is based upon a survey conducted by Harris Interactive and commissioned by eHarmony. Respondents ranged from age 18 to over 65. Online interviews were conducted with 2,084 individuals in November to December of 2017. All of the respondents were self-identified as either married or in a committed relationship. Although 15 different issues were identified as “key factors” in creating stress, four of those issues were most commonly reported as key causes of stress for couples. (As you can see by the percentage of respondents who identified each issue as “key,” many respondents did identify more than one key issue.) 1. “Work-Related Stress” was identified as a key factor in relationship conflicts by 35 percent of the respondents. Part of the challenge of work-related stress is being able to identify it as such